Let Go & Let God Poem

Let Go & Let God


Let Go & Let God

I love this little poem! It rings true for so many of us.

As humans, it is in our nature to try to control & fix the many struggles we endure, mostly making the issues at hand much worse. We try to blame, justify, or ignore bad situations and the people who have hurt us, holding on tightly to our pride. In actuality, we should humble ourselves and let go of these struggles & let God do what he does best…”fix what is broken.”

God loves us & wants us to be happy, but we have to learn to trust him to heal & mend! Now, I do know this is a very hard thing to learn & execute, but this is the best thing to do for your peace & it is exactly what God wants you to do!

So next time you are at your “breaking point” & you are not sure how to react, get down on your knees, pray & give it up to God! With a little faith in God & patience, you will see the amazing works of God as He starts working on mending the broken areas in your life!

Dearest Lord,
Please humble me and help me to trust in you! Help me to let go & let you do the mending in all of the areas of my life that are broken & tattered, for you are the “true healer of all wounds”.
And Thank You, Lord, for holding my hand as I patiently wait on you to mend & heal the broken areas o my life that I so desperately need & want to change!
Amen ❤

Blessings & love,

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