My Birthday Giveaway

This year for my Birthday, I wanted to show some appreciation by doing a giveaway for a Quieting Your Heart 6-Month Bible-Study Journal by Darlene Schacht! Enter now & please share my giveaway… I greatly appreciate you all for your support & loyalty. Best of luck my friends… [RF_CONTEST contest=’3918′] Interested […]

December Bucket List

Tis the season… It’s December…a time for love, kindness, gratitude, and celebration! Christmas is not about receiving, but giving…giving gratitude, giving gifts, giving love, giving forgiveness…. it’s all about how you can bless others!  {Acts 20:35}You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give […]

A Day of Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. What does this truly mean to you? Does it bring up anger, bitterness, or resentment?  Do you feel overwhelmed or unsettled? Does this make you feel lonely or sad?  Does it fill your heart with gratitude and thankfulness?  Does it mean forgiveness, love, and togetherness?  I have […]