John refers to himself as the one whom Jesus loved at least five times in his gospel. While that may seem a little prideful at first, it may just be John’s way of expressing his identity. Notice he does not say he was the “only” disciple Jesus loved.

John could have identified himself as an apostle, a member of Jesus’ inner circle, the writer of a gospel, or many other titles that would have brought him more acclaim, but he chose instead to label himself the “one whom Jesus loved.” Is it possible he chose that label because it was most precious to him?

Like John, if you are a follower of Jesus, you are “the one whom Jesus loves.” That is your identity, too. When you are worried that the people in your life do not appreciate or recognize all the things you do, remember that your ultimate identity rests in the love of the Savior who gave His life as an act of love for you.

Be secure in the truth that you are also “the one Jesus loves.”

*Bible verse: John 13:23 NLT
~The disciple Jesus loved was sitting next to Jesus at the table.

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♡ Love & Blessings ♡

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