•Isaiah 53:6•
Last night, before prayers & goodnight kisses with our boys, we read our homeschooling devotional reading.
The Bible verse was Isaiah 53:6 and it says, “All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all”.
This was an exciting reading for our 7 year old son because his very favorite animal has always been sheep. He loves sheep! Yes, sheep, and everything about them. I never completely understood why he loved sheep so much, but this reading put it into perspective for me. He listened intently as we continued our reading, clinging on to every word we read.
As we continued with our reading, it talked about why God calls us his sheep. It explained how sheep are not very smart, they like to follow each other, and get lost if they wander from their shepherd. How they are among one of the rare animals that don’t have a way to fight off the enemy (unlike other animals who have a strong odor, claws, sharp teeth etc.) to help defend them from the enemy.
It goes on to talk about how the Lord, our God, is our Shepard.
Wow…we are very much like sheep! Being human, we all have, at times, wandered off from our Lord, times when we lose faith, times when we like to follow the “crowd,” times when we try to defeat our enemies on our own, and times when we aren’t very smart with the decisions we make! But the Lord, as our patient Shepard, is looking & waiting for his lost sheep to be found & to make the choice to follow him again. After all, Jesus died to wash us clean of sin so we may be white as sheep (forgiven for our sins).
What a selfless, amazing gift he gave us because of his deep love for us!
The Lord IS our Shepard and he will protect us from our enemies, he will find us when we are lost, he will heal & comfort us when we are hurt, and he will lead us back to safety!
This tugged at my heart as I compared this to how I am with my sons. I am also their shepherd! I was given the amazing gift of being their mother and guiding them during their life. It is my duty to lead them, as sheep, in every possible way….and to lead them to the Shepard, our Lord!
What comfort it is knowing that the Lord loves me as much and unconditionally as I love my sons, and that he leads me so I am able to lead my sons!
Our little man is quite perceptive and spiritual and he understood the reading quite well! He loves how God calls people “his sheep” and was excited that his favorite animal meant so much to God. He said he is like a sheep because he loves God, and he added that he loves sheep because they are sweet, soft, and kind (don’t hurt other things), like people do.
What amazing perspective he has…I was in awe! What would it be like if we all looked at the world as a child does? And if we all lived as and saw each other as sheep…sweet, soft, and kind!
Yet, another teachable moment for this mommy by her children!
•Psalms 23:1-6•
The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.
He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.
Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.
You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
My cup overflows with blessings.
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.AMEN….
God calls us His sheep and he will lead us so we are able to lead our children!
Blessings & Love…
Blessed Mama ♡
God speaks through children in a beautiful way. The innocent understanding of your boy reminds me that I should seek God the way a child does…with great love and open willingness that is untainted and uncomplicated. Less of me and more of God!
I completely agree Evelyn…Thank you for your comment! Children help to remind us of the things that are important, opening our eyes to see the beauty & blessings we may have forgotten to look for! Child-like faith is unfortunately one of the things we lose as we grow older. Children are the perfect reminder of the things that are most important in this life! ❤