Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? ~Isaiah 43:18-19
Woop woop, the new year is about to begin. As we close this year, let’s reflect on our blessings & lessons from the last year!
In what ways were you blessed? New baby, new home, new job, beat an illness, mended relationships?
In what ways did your faith change?
What lessons did you learn from your mistakes?
In what ways did you change (for better or for worse)?
One of the wonderful things about God is his amazing grace. He forgives us for the horrible sins we commit and makes us “new”.
No matter what we went through this last year, or what it taught us, we have the chance to start new and to be “reborn!” We have another chance to become closer to God, to make things “right”, to be happier, to move forward, to forgive, to lose weight, live healthier, quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol, bless others…the opportunities are endless!
~John 3:3
Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
The start of the new year is a great time to “start over”, to make positive changes, and to be “reborn.”
What goals or dreams do you want to achieve this year? How can your faith be strengthened? In what ways do you want to bless others? What changes are you going to make to better yourself?
Believe to achieve
To make positive changes you must think positive thoughts, focus on the good, pray, and put the hard work into action.
Here are some steps to help you make & achieve positive changes.
•Write a list of all the goals that you want to work towards, and why you want to achieve them. Include your long & short-term goals.
•List the actions that will help you achieve each goal.
~Exercise when you are craving sweets.
~Walk away and pray when you feel angry.
~Think before you speak.
•List a positive affirmation & a bible verse or prayer that applies for each goal. Write the affirmation and bible verse or prayer on a sticky note and place it on your fridge, mirror, car dash etc, add it to your smartphone calendar, write it in your journal or Bible; put it somewhere visible as a daily reminder.
•List at least one person who will be your support for each goal.
•Put your goals into action!
•And don’t forget to pray for guidance from God to help you achieve your goals!
~Isaiah 43:18-19
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
As we journey into this new year, forget about your past failures, your mistakes, and your struggles! Learn to trust God with everything! Although this is a very difficult thing to do, you have to LET GO & LET GOD to achieve peace within your life!!!
Move forward into the future with the things and people that will improve upon and strengthen your body, mind, and soul.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for giving me another year! As I step into this new year, please guide me to grow closer to you. Give me the guidance and strength to achieve the positive changes I so desperately need and want. Help me to see the good in every situation & person I may encounter this year, but keep me wise and protected. Protect and bless me & those that I love! Give me the wisdom to see your blessings and to be grateful for each and every one!
Thank you for your grace & love, Lord!
Good-bye…thank you for our blessings & our lessons this last year! And hello new year, bring it on..we got this & GOD’S GOT US 🙂
Best of luck on your journey to the “new you” and may you be abundantly blessed this year!
Have a safe & joyous New Year my dear friends ❤
Thanks for the Instagram follow! I’m happy to have a new friend in you 🙂 It’s always so awesome to meet another sister in Christ!! Great post!! I will follow your other sites too! xo love, cindy <3
Hello my new sister in Christ! I’m very blessed to have connected with you 🙂 I tried to comment on your site, but it kept closing down 🙁 I am going to look through your blog more & am looking very forward to getting to know you better. Hopefully, I can comment on some things..lol 😉 Not sure what is going on? Blessings & love to you and your beautiful little family ❤