How do those who do not believe that Jesus was resurrected, have faith that their sins are forgiven?
And, for those who do not believe that Jesus rose from the tomb? How can they be sure that they will rise & live eternity in heaven?
How distressing to be faithless about the events that took place during Holy week (that led to our sins being forgiven) & to be faithless that Jesus will return someday! Why would Jesus sacrifice so much? Why would such a amazing man live his life so selflessly, knowing that the end result would be ridicule & death, if he did not have ALL faith that it was for the forgiveness of our sins?
Those that celebrate Easter believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins & rose from his tomb (death) 3 days later to share his good news, before joining our father in heaven, until he returns again!
I know I am exuberantly grateful for the sacrifices Jesus made FOR US! And I’m truly blessed to have such an amazing savior who would die on that cross so long ago, to save someone like me, who is unworthy of his great love!
You bet, I do love celebrating Easter with my family..I love celebrating the resurrection of our Lord! And, although playing the “Easter bunny” is a fun little addition & brings joy to our boys, our boys DO know the TRUE meaning of Good Friday & Easter, for it is the most important reason for celebrating, thus, it is VERY important to us that our boys KNOW & BELIEVE this!
Thank you Lord, for your selfless & unconditional love for me, for I am forever grateful & I love you ❤
May you all have a beautiful Easter, filled with gratefulness, love, joy & blessings!
Blessings & love ALWAYS,
❤ Blessed Mama ❤